Q - Is HEART STRINGS FOR HEROES a registered foundation within the United States?
A - Yes, HEART STRINGS FOR HEROES is a United States - Florida registered non-profit corporation.
Corporate info: Sunbiz.org
Q - Is HEART STRINGS FOR HEROES a registered 501c3 tax exempt organization?
A - Yes, HEART STRINGS FOR HEROES is registered with the IRS/Department of Treasury as a 501c3 tax exempt organization. All financial contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of the code.
HEART STRINGS FOR HEROES is also qualified to receive:
tax deductible bequests, devices, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the code.
A - HEART STRINGS FOR HEROES main objective,
is to assist in the mental and physical healing
of service men & women, injured in the line of duty,
and to help prevent suicides
and improve motor functions from injuries,
 through the healing power of music and musical instruments.
There is proven healing power with music therapy, and we have musicians
and music therapists backing the HEART STRINGS FOR HEROES foundation.
Q - How does HSFH do this? 
A - HSFH gives brand new guitars to selected honorees to assist in their ongoing therapy.
HSFH invites these wounded HEROES and their families to special HSFH concert events,
 and honors them onstage with a brand new guitar.
 Some of these honorees perform songs at HSFH events.
The community supports these HEROES by attending these events,
and honors them with heart felt appreciation for their duty and sacrifice.
Those who support the foundation and who it honors, give and get back.
Q - Who funds HSFH? 
A - HSFH is funded by public and private donations.
Q - How are the funds being spent? 
A - All donations are used to buy & distribute guitars, guitar lessons, in some special cases,
custom painting of a fallen soldier`s image onto a guitar
and presenting that guitar to the family
as another way to heal these Gold Star families from their loss.
(click here to see one of the amazing guitars)
All HSFH event related costs, entertainment & promotional expenses incurred
 to bring community supporters and HEROES to upcoming events.
 To buy and distribute support T-Shirts to those who attend the events & donate to HSFH,
as a way to thank & give back to our wounded HERO supporters.

Q - What do I get for my donation?
A -  Depending on the amount of your donation, you can expect everything from
a free support T-Shirt to a chance to bring home a celebrity signed guitar,
and other great donated prizes.
And the best part is, you have been instrumental in changing a HEROES life by
contributing to his or her ongoing therapy, with the guitar you helped pay for.
Not to mention, those who attend the events,
get to meet a HERO, that sacrificed their life and limbs in defending our nation.
You are part of an ARMY of support & healing that truly changes & saves lives. 
And the bonus... you also get to enjoy a great event with amazing live entertainment!
Q - How does HSFH help the HEROES and community?
A - Each event held in the local community brings people together.
Each wounded HERO that HSFH has previously honored,
attends the next event and pays it forward to the next HERO honoree.
In addition, the venue that hosts the event and business`s in the area,
generate revenue and provide employment to the community.
Local bands donate their time and gain exposure for future gigs.
Some of our performers have gone on to big things like
13 year old Rion Page and the XFACTOR television show with Simon Cowell.
The Preacher Stone band, who also performed at
Heart Strings for Heroes - Daytona Beach HONORS FEST 2014
had their song "Not Today" featured as the soundtrack to the TV show,
Sons of Anarchy.
Nonprofits create jobs for people with skills that benefit society.
Unique... due to their charters, nonprofits offer employment to people with special skills such as
musicians, artists, clergy, scholars, and doctors.
But just as important to their missions are the employees who perform functions,
such as: fund raising, proposal writing, finance, marketing and accounting.
For many employees of nonprofits, the reward for a job well done is not just the direct compensation, but also the happiness derived from fulfilling the unique mission of that organization and serving the community.

Q - How many guitars do you give away at an event?
A - Depending on the size of the event, it can be anywhere from 1 to 10 per event.
Q - Where can I donate?
 A - You are always welcome to attend an event and donate there, or you can make
a secure online donation through paypal on this website.

QCan I donate a guitar and does it have to be new?
A - Yes you can donate a guitar in any condition, contact us through the website
and we will tell you where to send it or where to drop it off.
Q - Who are the wounded HEROES you have you given guitars to?
A - Craig Gross (father of son K.I.A. in Afghanistan) 
Cpl Joshua White (US Army)-(double amputee)
Cpl Mike Kistel (Us Army)-(survivor of 4 IED explosions)
Cpl Mike Vail (US Army)-(paralyzed in Iraq)
Cpl Bret Menardski (US Army)-(quadriplegic, paralyzed in Afghanistan)
Sgt. Max David Gauhier (US Army)-(amputee Afghanistan)
Sgt. Todd Armbruster (US Army)-(double amputee)
Sgt David Croft (US Army)-(K.I.A. Baghdad, Iraq) Bother Tyler Croft accepts on his behalf.
Cpl. Justin Gaertner (US Army)-(double amputee, IED blast - Marjah, Afghanistan)
Sgt. Claude Normandeau (Canadian Armed Forces) (shot in chest, ptsd, Afghanistan) 
SSG E-6 Brian Bentley (US Army)-(traumatic brain injury, ptsd) (Afghanistan) (Purple Heart recipient)
Sgt Michael Jackson (US Army)-(disabled by rocket fire/shrapnel) (Purple Heart recipient)
Steve Surface (US Army)-(Survived IED attack) (Purple Heart recipient) 
Deputy Troy Savetz (Pinellas County Sheriff, Retired US Army Marine) Injured in suicide rescue.
Michael Delancey (US Army, MARINE) Paralyzed by sniper attack in Iraq
John Yagelka (Assistant Fire Warden World Trade Tower 1) Survivor of Sept. 11th Attack
Michele & Don Carey (Gold Star Mother/Father) Parents of fallen soldier K.I.A. Cpl. Barton R. Humlhanz
Kevin Bruffet (US Army) Injured in Afghanistan, Sept. 25th - 2012 (Purple Heart recipient)
Carl Moore (US Army) Injured in Afghanistan, June 4th - 2013 (Purple Heart recipient)
Dimitri DelCastillo (US Army) K.I.A. June 25th - 2011 - Afghanistan (Purple Heart recipient)
Ross Quarnoccio (US Army Ranger) Injured in Vietnam - 1970 (Purple Heart recipient)
SSG Michael Anthony Fradera (Us Army, MARINE) Injured Aug. 17th - 2007 IRAQ (Purple Heart recipient)
Joseph Garrido (US Army, MARINE) Injured in Anah IRAQ Oct. 27th - 2007 (Purple Heart recipient)
Michael Spears (US Army, MARINE) Injured in Afghanistan 2006
James Copeland - Vietnam Combat Veteran, Injured in Vietnam (2 X Purple Heart recipient)
Chris Gray -  Injured in Afghanistan (Purple Heart recipient)
Felix Garcia - Injured in the battle of Fallujah Iraq (2 X Purple Heart recipient)
Donald Brown - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart recipient)
Paul Cagle - Injured in Korean War (Purple Heart recipient)
Michael Hotz - Injured in Afghanistan (Purple Heart recipient)
Kelly Pounds - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Matthew Cooke - Victim of Domestic Terrorism/Fort Hood (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Jesse Gladney - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Edwin Canter - Injured in World War 2 (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
William Huffaker - Injured in Vietnam (2x Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Michael Mescavage - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Jason Johns - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Heath Soelzer - Injured in Afghanistan (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Connie Johnson - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal recipient) 
Richard Small - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Robert "BJ" Jackson - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Douglas Duvall - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Colonel John Bircher - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Hershel Gober - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Ryan Wilson - Injured in Iraq  (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Alejandro Rodriguez - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Andy Viola - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Glen Beaulieu - Injured in Panama (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Jonathan Mills - Injured in Iraq & Afghanistan (2X Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Patrick McElrath - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Cpl. Michael Gentile - Injured in Iraq - Injured all 3 Tours (Pending Purple Heart)
Sgt. Jorge Zapata - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Arthur McGinnis - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Donald Washbish - Injured World War 2 (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Ernest Serna - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Gerald Enter - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
John Dougan - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Charles Dykes - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
William McCaw - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Michael Lee - US Army - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Tiffany Hudgins - Marine - Injured in Afghanistan (Purple Heart Medal Recipient) 
Jonny Flores - US Army - Injured in Baghdad Iraq (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Michael Jernigan - Marine - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Robert Kilmartin - US Army - Injured in Afghanistan (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Joel Tavera - US Army - Injured in Iraq (Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal Recipient)
Kevin Deary - US Army - Injured in Afghanistan (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Greg Amira - US Army - Injured in 911 (Twin Towers) & Iraq (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Jason Carter - US Army - Injured in Afghanistan (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Mal Clingan - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Richard Weltz - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
James Holland - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Michael Nemesh - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Allen Spare - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Lauren Montoya - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Ben Kopp/ accepted by mother Jill Stephenson - (KIA - Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Zigmund Laska - Marine - Injured in Vietnam (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
James Smith - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
David Middlebrooks - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Neil Van Ess - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Fred Taylor - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Joel C Graves - (Bronze Star Recipient)
Roger D. Spinelli - (Injured in Iraq)
Brian Burns - (PTSD)
Benjamin Wright - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient/Reno Police Officer)
Lisa De La Cruz - (Gold Star Mother) in memory of Dillon J. Semolina
Carlos De Leon - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Juan Velazques - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Rudy Salas - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Lee Hoisington - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
1st Lt. Daniel J. Brockunier - (Army National Guard)
Kevin Sitcer - (US Army Special Forces)
Mike Weesner - (Vietnam Veteran Purple Heart Medal recipient)
John Teets - (Iraq Veteran 2X Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Richard "Bud" Allen - (Vietnam Veteran Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Rob Keeler - (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Gerard Dempster - (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Philip Sanabria . (Purple Heart Medal recipient)
John Reiners - (Fallen Soldier) - Gold Star Mother Rona Jackson accepted on behalf.
Richard Hunt - (Vietnam Veteran Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Joseph Garyantes - (Fallen soldier) - Gold Star wife Monika Garyantes accepted on behalf.
The Pointe Veterans Retirement Home -  Donated to their music program.
Corey Kowall - (Fallen soldier) - Gold Star mother Kelly Kowall accepted on behalf.
Jason Knowlton (Iraq war veteran PTSD)
Tracy Brown Green - (Afghanistan Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Larisa Dickerson - (Iraq Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Michael "Goose" Bogmenko - (2X Purple Heart Medal recipient - Iraq & Afghanistan)
Perry Potter - (Vietnam Veteran Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Tyler Jeffries - (Afghanistan Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Matt Sitton ( Fallen Soldier KIA Afghanistan - Purple Heart Medal recipient) Family accepted on his behalf.
David Hike (Currently serving in Afghanistan ) HSFH Grant - Sent two guitars for music therapy.
Joshua Gollie (Currently serving in Kuwait) HSFH Grant - Sent One guitar for music therapy.
Jay Clark (A1C - Military Police)
Robert Gross (Master Sergeant - US ARMY)
Childrens Burn Camp Fundraiser - Fire & Iron MC
Nicholas Chirillo (Vietnam 3X Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Thomas Ryan (Vietnam Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Charlie Dale (Vietnam Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Patrick Kennedy (Vietnam Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
James Barrie (Vietnam Purple Heart Medal recipient)
Daniel Stanley (Afghanistan Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Joshua Hager (KIA Iraqi Freedom - Feb. 23 2007) Presented to Goldstar Family.
Sgt. Anthony Rizzo (Afghanistan Veteran)
Sgt. Kenneth Katter (Iraq Purple Heart Medal Recipient)
Oronzo "Otto" Mazzilli (Vietnam Combat Veteran)
Sophie Delott (Signed up for Marines - Died - 06/28/19) Presented to Mother.
Army Spc. Zachary Shannon (KIA Enduring freedom - 03/13/2013) Presented to Goldstar Family.
Captain Jesse Melton III (KIA - Sept. 9th 2008) Presented to Mother Janice Chance
Michael Foster (3X Purple Heart Medal Recipient - Iraq & Afghanistan)
Guy Patterson (Purple Heart Medal Recipient - Vietnam)
Nicholas Lander (2X Purple Heart Medal Recipient - Afghanistan)
Captain Matt Bruce (2X Purple Heart Medal Recipient - Vietnam)
Robert Groover (Purple Heart Medal Recipient - Afghanistan)

Major Mike Jones - Marine - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient - Vietnam)

Michael Reagan - Vietnam Veteran

Hope For The Children Ministries - Nevaeh

Harold Kemnitz - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient - Vietnam)

John Pack - US ARMY Airborne Special Forces

Jeffery Taylor - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient) Iraq

Col. John Doble - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient) Vietnam

Christopher Scott - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient) Afghanistan 

Daniel Hullett - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient) Iraq

Donald Lee Clough - (Purple Heart Medal Recipient) Korean War

Susan Price - (Gold Star Mother of Aaron M. Kenefick KIA Afghanistan

Sept. 8th 2009)

Kelly Kowall - (Gold Star Mother of Corey J. Kowall KIA Afghanistan

Sept. 20th 2009)

Murray Zolkower - (WWII Veteran 103 year old birthday celebration)

Robert Moll - (WWII Veteran 101 year old birthday celebration)